Experience God! Receive God’s Presence by Repentance with Joy!

Product Name: Experience God! Receive God’s Presence by Repentance with Joy!

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       Taste Heaven
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FB Post from Debra in Colorado 1/15: “TASTE
HEAVEN NOW materials have been such a blessing in my life. Your
practical examples and exercises have given me understandings of
abstract spiritual concepts. I particularly appreciated learning that I
didn’t need to be taken up in order to visit heaven, but that heaven
comes down to earth to meet me here! The other thing that was helpful
was to understand that my physical body was included in this process,
not just my spirit body. Thank you for your transparency and willingness
to share your journey with all of us.”

from Pete, USA 2010:  “Though
we have never met, I owe you a BIG HUGE COLOSSAL SIZED THANK YOU. When I
first became a Christian I would always feel God’s presence around me
all the time. One day though I stopped feeling His
manifest presence completely. I didn’t know what was wrong and I fell
into a very very deep rejection… I would beg God like crazy to let me
feel His presence 24/7 again. I would only feel it during worship or
soaking prayer and then it would go away within the next 30 mins or so
and I would feel depressed once again. I realized my need for God’s
presence 24/7 but had no idea what was wrong. Your website saved my
life. Although your website is really really big and so are your ebooks.
I read through almost all of your material and started applying it. At
first there were no results at all. Because I had nowhere else to go I
kept applying your principles more and more diligently until my heart
got soft enough to hear and finally it did. Now I feel God’s presence
24/7 and am so so thankful for you and your ministry. Again, you
literally saved my life and I’m forever indebted to you. THANK YOU SO SO

Email from David in QLD Australia 3/09:
have been heavily involved in ministry in my church…I love your
site…your site makes sense…..and appears one of the most significant
contributions to Christian literature I have encountered and I am
reasonably well read…”

Email from
Yolande in S. Africa 7/09:  “…I have been reading some
deep and exciting books by people having heavenly encounters and was
crying out in my heart for foundational teaching, for I wanted this so
much and wanted it practical. During a long fast, I came across your
website. I have purchased your books (can recommend to every hungry
soul) and have shared with others who are purely delighted at the light
you bring. You are a exceptional good teacher, a pure gift from heaven,
practical, grounded in the Word, spiritual and sincere, and you lay a
foundation so we as the church can get more out of the literature of
pioneers and ground breakers…who wets our appetites for the deepest
places in God.”

are not alone! During 2005 the average
number of people on this website for each day was over 584. 

12/99 through Dec. 2005 there have been 1,074,786 views to pages on this
website.  That number almost doubled in 2004 and it almost doubled
again in 2005. 


Pete gave s a great testimony about God’s presence 24/7.
It is above — in case you missed it.  🙂  

God’s Presence

by Repentance with Joy!

and “abide” in the presence of God by understanding with your
mind, AND by teaching your heart to think differently
about earthly things and about your being able to freely receive the
presence of God by believing He is drawing near, because of His grace! 

You Can
Grow Even in Difficult Areas 

because You
Can Taste Heaven Now!

Of Definitions
and a Deeper Christian Life 

This site shows HOW
TO repent by training your heart to joyfully trade earthly dependencies
for receiving God’s presence
intensely by His grace. The principles you find here are effective
for idolatry of the heart and unwanted behaviors! It
is intended as a practical way for you to experience the deeper Christian

Repentance is more than just
what you do after you do something wrong. Repentance is a biblical
practice—an activity that describes something you can do for great
personal growth and change. 

In biblical terms,
repentance means to change your mind about sin and about God. More simply
stated “repentance with joy” means to change how you
think and to feel joy because of it. The word
repentance is used most of the time where we are to change our mind
after sin. But in my search I saw this verse: “…If you return to the Lord with all your heart, remove the foreign gods…from among you and direct your hearts to the Lord…He will deliver you…”
(1 Sam. 7:3). To me, “directing our heart toward God,” sounds like
a repentance where we “change our mind”
about sin and about God, BEFORE we do something wrong.  

So on this website and in my
books, I use the word
“repentance” in a broad sense rather than the strict definition. I
do that because repentance is the word that most accurately describes what
you get when you try to fit everything together that the Bible says about
growth toward God. It is in that sense that I am saying we should repent. 

The way I see it, we are to
repent so as to remove the obstacles that keep us from
abiding in Christ. Doing this, involves getting our heart to hear the truth of the
scriptures so that God can use His word to change us from the inside out. Much
with us has to change but thinking about repentance this way makes
actually doing it realistic. 

Deep level change isn’t going to
happen just because you know something in your head. Being effective at
“changing your mind” requires taking steps to train your heart
that it is right, good, and safe to turn and draw near to God. You
have to take steps to calm your fears and build your faith. You have
to become a teacher and your own heart has to become your student. By
this, you can change from the inside out.

Mostly, this site is for
Christians who want to experience God’s presence more fully and
intensely. It is for Christians who want to “abide in Christ” in
a deeper way. But it is not just for Christians because the
information here is practical for those who want freedom from unwanted
behaviors. These principles are effective and work well.

should be as important a practice to your Christian life as prayer or
reading the Bible. It can help you just as much.

The Benefits
of Repentance

The benefits of repentance are
many. The Bible says, “…repent and return, so that your sins may
be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing
may come from the presence of the
Lord” (Acts 3:19). 

The benefits of repentance are
that you find freedom from unwanted and sinful behaviors, damaging
pursuits, harmful reactions, long term addictions, co-dependence. You
even find freedom from subtle sins of the heart. But that isn’t

You also experience a
“refreshing” from the “presence of the Lord.” By
repenting so as to experience God’s presence, your single-hearted love and
devotion toward God will increase greatly. Abiding in Christ becomes
realistic. The deeper Christian life becomes practical. This site shows you how.

When I talk about repentance it
is always a repentance that is toward abiding in Christ.  By
“abiding” I believe the Bible means we are to stay inside the
presence of God. Christians have Christ inside them but we are also
told to “abide in Him.” I think this means we are to stay inside
the radiant presence of Christ — 24 hours-a-day. By this we “…walk
in the Light as He Himself is in the Light…” (1John 1:7).

To me, abiding in the presence
of God is the same thing as abiding in the presence of the kingdom of

We abide in Christ by repentance
that removes obstacles so we can draw near to
God, learn to stay there, and learn to let Him draw near and
stay near to us. Understanding your thirsty desires for God and how to
repent makes abiding in Christ realistic for anyone. Everything that I
write is toward this end.       

On this website and in the
ebooks I use the words “drinking from God” to also mean
“feeding” on Him. To me drinking from God is the same thing as
receiving His presence or letting God draw near to us. 

Learning to drink from God is
important because without learning to actually receive His presence we
can’t abide in Christ. It is by learning to keep on drinking like a branch
on a tree that we abide inside the presence of God all the time. Doing
this is realistic for you.   

On this website and in the ebooks
I explain how we drink from earthly things and how you can reapply those
same principles to God. I explain these things in practical ways so that
you can do them.

Why You Can

keep doing what we don’t want to do because of the “benefits” we
gain from the behavior. Even though the behavior may hurt us
greatly, it reassures us, makes us feel strong, or secure in some way. 

lets you trade earthly dependencies for God’s presence! The reason you can
change is because of God’s abundant grace to draw near to you! 

God’s presence pours through you, your longings are filled more deeply and
more pleasurably than anything this life has to offer.  

you have a behavior you want to change? Repenting
by turning to God as what reassures you and soothes you when you hurt.
Doing so can help you grow even in areas that have been difficult for you
to change! 

you a Christian who doesn’t have any major or obvious sins? This site can
help you experience God’s presence more fully. It will help you understand
and repent of the hidden idolatry of your heart. It is just that
the benefits of deep level repentance are so great, that it corrects more
obvious sins too. 

The Whole
Thing in Three Sentences 

The repentance that I will help
you with is the path to the deeper Christian life. It is a repentance that
changes your behavior because it changes how you think in your heart. 

I will be teaching you how to
joyously repent from seeking to receive earthly glory for yourself to a
place of seeking and receiving the presence of God. I will be teach you practical ways
of how you can actually receive the kingdom of God and abide in Christ

Everything that I write about is
“to the end that we…would be to the praise of His glory” (Eph
1:12). Doing that means that we first have to repent from living to the
praise of OUR glory.      

Why You Need this

need the information on this site because it isn’t obvious how to
direct your heart away from earthly sources and toward God—our fears,
hurts, and
disbelief are too great.

Christians today are not even conscious of when they are working to fill
their longing for God apart from Him. If you were aware, it is also likely
that you would try to repent in ways that would be ineffective and
damaging.  I will show how you can be effective at removing
the obstacles preventing you from turning and drawing near to God. 

It is time for radical change! You
need instruction and you need the Heart-training the areas in your heart that need to be
addressed are deep and well hidden. This site will show you how
to turn to God in ways that are more complete than what you may have ever
thought was even possible. You can enjoy a deeper Christian life! 

I give a lot of instruction here but I don’t
give away the material that I call Heart-training. You will have to buy

you in a country where online purchases are difficult or impossible?
Then email me and I can give you the Heart-training for free. For the rest
of you please support this ministry by purchasing the

Regardless of how you get the Heart-training please
don’t dismiss the importance of the Heart-training in your pilgrimage with

Why You Can
Repent With Joy!

Jesus endured the cross for the
joy set before Him (Heb. 12:2). We should follow His example. 

Repent with joy because of God’s
grace to draw near to you without His holding back! Rejoice your heart to
believing that when you draw near to God, He will draw near to you
(James 4:8)!  

More is realistic and possible!
The practical reasons you can repent and turn more fully to God are
because of His grace. The earthly substitutions we make for God are
always close to us. You can repent because God wants to be God to you. He
wants to be close to you, intensely!   

The Bible tells us, “And
without faith it is impossible to please Him for he who comes to God must
believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him”
(Heb. 11:6). The faith that pleases God believes that when you come near
to God, He rewards you with His presence by also drawing near to you!

Earthly substitutions for
God’s presence are totally unnecessary. You
just need to learn how to work with your heart until you find freedom to
act because of greater faith trust toward God.

applying the principles and using the tools given here, you can experience
God’s presence flowing around and through you 24 hours-a-day!

Don’t be alarmed by the amount
of material you find on this site. Large portions of 3 eBooks are on these
pages. If you get frustrated by not remembering what you have read and
what you haven’t, you may find it easier to go to the books and materials
page and down load this information in book form.

It will take effort on your part
to direct your heart toward God, but you can do it! I will show you how.

You Can
experience a deeper Christian life! 

Would you like me to teach at
your church or gathering? Contact me by email. I
would like to speak to your group about “How to Love God More.” 

eBooks click here

page added late 2014 about the mountain of God. 

6 / 2015,
a new update to the Heart-training is now available! 

Email from  Saningo,
Kenya. 2015:  “…your website-especially articles, why
repent and
how to repent my life completely changed after reading and ask God
forgiveness. I’m now converted believer and waiting Jesus to come.
Please accept my heartfelt thanks for being a part of my life and
leading me to know Jesus and received salvation assurance. I’m sharing
the articles with many here and hope eventually the message will bear
fruits of repentance…”  

Email from
Chrissy in Texas, USA 7/15:  “I want to tell you
that I think your website and the things taught here are absolutely
wonderful biblical and incredible.
It’s helping me very very much. This is so needed.
I pray God will bless your ministry. it’s absolutely fantastic. You are
on the right track. This message message of grace desperately needs to
be heard. thank you.”

Email from Tienie in S. Africa 10/08:  “I
have read most of the info on your website. It is very practical and easy to
understand. In the past few years I have read a few books on the subject
”Living in the presence of God”. Those books all date back to the 1600
and 1700.Molinos(The Spiritual  Guide) ,Guyon (Experiencing the depths
of Jesus Christ), Brother Lawrence (Practicing His Presence). Your material
is much more understandable and usable…”

I am praying for the Lord’s abundant blessing on your
efforts to direct your heart toward Him.

Page on Facebook

Repentance = change how your heart
thinks — Home page for how to do that!

the Author…

(C) Barry Hall 1999

Information on this site may be
reproduced for personal or
for instructional purposes if it is not being used for resale. If a page is distributed for instructional
purposes, the web address must be included. Printed quotes
must include the authors name and the web address. Quotes for use in publications intended
for resale need the written permission of the author. All rights

Scriptures are taken from the updated NEW AMERICAN
STANDARD BIBLE, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973,
1975, 1977, 1987, 1988, The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Other scriptures are from the New International
Version or Amplified Bible as noted.

Bold emphasis in the scriptures quoted here has been
added by the author of this site.


Click here to get Experience God! Receive God’s Presence by Repentance with Joy! at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Experience God! Receive God’s Presence by Repentance with Joy! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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