Confidence Beyond Belief :: Steve G. Jones :: Brad Yates

Product Name: Confidence Beyond Belief :: Steve G. Jones :: Brad Yates

Click here to get Confidence Beyond Belief :: Steve G. Jones :: Brad Yates at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Confidence Beyond Belief :: Steve G. Jones :: Brad Yates is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Attention To Everyone Who Is
Lacking Confidence Or Wants More Confidence…

“Celebrity Hypnotherapist and World Acclaimed EFT Expert Form A Powerful
Alliance To Synergistically Create The Blueprint That Will Escalate
Your Confidence Through The Roof!”

“The Time To
Create Unshakable Confidence Has Finally Arrived In the
Form Of What Might Possibly Be The Most Sound Self Assurance System Ever

“Are You Ready To Shatter
Your Limiting Beliefs, Take Control Of Your Life And Enter Any
Circumstance Or Situation With A Level Of Confidence That Seems Almost

If I asked you to identify one key characteristic that would
skyrocket any and every chance you have of achieving success in anything
you do, whether it be building wealth, landing the perfect job, finding
your soul mate or whatever else it is that you desire out of life, would
you be curious to know what I am talking about?

If I told you that not having this characteristic would greatly
reduce or even shatter your chances of achieving success in all the same
areas, would you then make it your business to identify this
characteristic and develop it no matter what?

If you truly desire all the great things that life has to offer, my
first hope is that you’ve answered yes to both of these questions.

My second hope is that you have shut your cell phone off and not made
any plans for the next few minutes because what I’m about to share with
you will change your life.

Yes, I Know It Sounds Cliché And Almost As Familiar As Hearing About The
Weather, But Rest Assured…..Once You Finish Reading This Letter, Your
Life Will Be Changed, Just As Many Others Were

Enter your email below and Steve will share his tools and recommendations you can use to find true success…

We Don’t Abuse Or Share Your Information EVER!

My name is Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D. and I have been helping people improve
their lives through hypnosis for over 25 years. And how I do it is
rather simple.

You see, our reality is nothing more than our perception of reality.
And our perception of reality is created within our subconscious mind.
Therefore, the key to creating the reality that you desire is to program
your subconscious mind to manifest that reality.

While the concept itself is simple, getting people to do this can be
easier said than done, in some cases. And the reason behind all this is
that without even realizing it, the subconscious mind is so strongly
programmed, that changing it almost seems impossible.

Take a person who wants to achieve financial freedom for example.
Consciously, they don’t ever want to work for someone again. They are
tired of living from paycheck to paycheck. They want the best things
money can buy.

Yet their reality is much different. They either never succeed at the
attempts that they make or they never even make those attempts to begin
with. And the result is that they wind up unhappy because they never
have enough money to be financially free.

The reason why this happens is because within the subconscious, is a
thought process which is much more powerful than that which occurs in
the conscious mind. And if the thoughts within the subconscious are
different than those which you consciously believe, you will always
manifest a reality that you may not desire.

So the bottom line is that you can consciously want all the money in
the world, but if you subconsciously believe it won’t happen or that
it’s just too hard, it will be.

After years of developing powerful methods to effectively help people
achieve the alpha state, I began realizing that while people would come
to me for many different reasons (ie. to lose weight, stop smoking,
control their tempers, etc.), there was a root problem existing in many
people that could still halt their ability to achieve results.

The root problem is the lack of the characteristic that I mentioned
earlier. It’s called confidence, and without it nearly every attempt
that you make at achieving a goal will probably be shattered into a
million pieces.

Our Lives Are Shaped By The Decisions That We Make And The Decision To
Act Is Fueled By Confidence

For example, if you have all the great qualities of a partner, but
lack the confidence to make a decision to act in a way that would bring
you closer to a partner, you will probably wind up alone.

If you want to land your dream job, but lack the confidence to make
the decision to act in a way that would bring you closer to that job,
like furthering your education, gaining more experience or approaching
the person who could provide you with that job, you will probably wind
up without your dream job.

The bottom line is that confidence is a resource which is both
invaluable and essential toward the achievement of just about any goal.

It took quite a bit of time, energy, money and some good old
fashioned hard work, but in the end, I was happy to say that I fulfilled
my mission……almost.

You see, while it’s true that to change the behaviors which influence
the decisions that one makes to lead them toward success, you must
re-program their mind on a subconscious level. When you’re dealing with
something like confidence, things can get a little tricky.

Reason being is that confidence is nothing more than belief in
oneself and one’s powers or abilities. As you can see, this is why
confidence really governs every attempt at programming the subconscious
mind for success.

In Reality, Anyone Who Wants To Change Any Area Of Their Life,
(Regardless Of What It May Be) Should First Focus On Their Confidence
Before They Do Anything Else

For example, I could show you every winning play involved in a sport,
but if you never have the confidence to put it to use, it will never
benefit you in any way.

And for that reason, instilling confidence in someone takes much more
effort than just about anything else.

In essence, one needs to focus on two areas: subconscious thoughts
and emotions.

Emotions Play A Tremendous Role In The Development Of One’s Confidence
Or Lack Of….And Emotions Are Very Powerful…

They serve as the fuels for the creation of life, war, death,
marriage, love and just about everything else in life.

And negative emotions can have an extremely destructive effect on
one’s level of confidence.

And because of that, it takes a little bit more work.

My years of research and study in hypnotherapy combined with my
education in cognitive psychology not only provided me with an abundant
amount of knowledge when it comes to how the mind works and how people
learn, but I also had mastered every effective technique that could be
used to implement this knowledge.

I knew that my system was as close to perfect as perfect could be,
but I felt something was missing. And that something was the component
which would deal with people’s emotions.

You see, my system would equip any person with the transcendent
ability to develop confidence using the power of hypnosis, but if they
had negative emotions, the process would take much longer. If a person
develops the confidence to act, but cannot control the negative emotions
which prompt them to do otherwise, they still will not act.

Now I know from years of experience and research that when it comes
to dealing with negative emotions there simply is no better option than
that of Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with EFT, it’s an incredible
healing modality, which is based on the same principles as the age old
techniques found in acupuncture, only without the use of needles.

It basically works by changing the body’s energy. Dr. Roger Callahan
(the man whose findings led to the creation of EFT) hit the nail right
on the head when he said, “The cause of all negative emotions is a
disruption in the body’s energy system.”

Since Dr. Callahan’s findings, EFT has transformed into a powerful
energy-based therapy developed by Gary Craig, which has been used to
provide rapid relief from physical-emotional issues (e.g. Trauma, PTSD,
Phobias, Grief, Anger, Guilt, Anxiety, Addictive Cravings, Nightmares,
Abandonment, Fear of Public Speaking, Fear of Flying, Love Pain,
Depression, Pain, Headaches and much more).

And When It Comes To Modern Day EFT, In My Opinion There Is No Person On
The Planet Better Qualified To Work With Than Brad Yates

Trained and certified at the respected Hypnosis Motivation Institute
in Tarzana, CA, where he served on staff, Brad has made quite a name for
himself by combining this background with training in energy psychology
and various schools of thought in the area of personal growth and

He coaches groups and individuals in achieving greater success,
health and
happiness in their lives and has had the privilege and pleasure of
working with a diverse group of clients, from CEO’s to professional and
NCAA athletes, from chiropractors and psychiatrists to corporate and
federal attorneys, from award-winning actors to residents at a program
for homeless men and women in Santa Monica.

He has also been a presenter at a number of events, including several
International Energy Psychology Conferences and the Walk On Water (WOW)
Fest in Los Angeles.

He has done teleseminars with “The Secret” stars Bob Doyle and Dr.
Joe Vitale and is also the co-author of the best-seller “Freedom at Your
Fingertips,” as well as a featured
expert in the film “Try It On  Everything” along with Jack
Canfield, Bob Proctor, Dr. Norman Shealy and Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Let’s just say this guy is the “go to guy” when it comes to personal
development, particularly through EFT. And he had exactly what I needed.

My System Was Like A Perfect Puzzle With Just One Piece Missing, And
Brad Yates Had It….. I Just Had To Get It From Him

As you can imagine, with his huge roster of clientele and traveling
schedule, Brad isn’t exactly the easiest guy to get in contact with.

For weeks, my marketing team, my editor and just about everyone else
on my staff tried to track him down.

Heck, at one point the editor of my site said, “It’s just not gonna
happen Steve. Let’s just turn to someone else for some help with EFT.”

“Can’t do it” I replied. “If we can’t get Brad involved, there’s no
point in even pursuing the matter”.

Trying to replace Brad’s expertise and what he brings to the table
when it comes to EFT, is like trying to replace a screw with a nail, it
just won’t work the same.

And so we persisted…….and persisted….and persisted a little more.

And finally, after months on end, my secretary got Brad on the phone.

As she was on the phone with him, I happened to be walking into my
Savannah office fresh off a plane from New York and heard her say “Yes,
Mr. Yates”.

I dropped my bags and grabbed the phone right out of her hands
(juggling it like a hot potato) because I knew that no one would be able
to convey the message to Brad like I would.

I Began Telling Him About My System For Building Confidence Using
Hypnotic Influence And How I Needed To Perfect It Using EFT…

Brad was amazed that I had called him to talk about confidence
because he also knew how important it was to the process of achievement
in anything a person can do.

And he also knew that hypnosis (when combined with EFT) serves as the
ultimate formula for building confidence.

I asked Brad if he was willing to take some time out of his busy
schedule to put together a resource on building confidence through EFT
that could be coupled with my program which was based on hypnosis.

He not only agreed to help, but he said he would go one step better
and perform a live teleseminar where he would disclose the step by step
process for tapping into confidence and allow me to record every bit of

The result was something so powerful and mind-engaging that it could
almost be called super-natural.

Introducing Confidence Beyond Belief by Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D. and Brad Yates

During Brad’s Teleseminar Which Has Never Been Released To The
Public Before…

The Power Of Now – Here you will learn how focusing
on the present serves as your greatest form of leverage.

Your True Inner Confidence – The organic state of
confidence resides within all of us, here you will locate yours.

How To Develop “Level 10” Confidence – The more
confidence you have, the greater your chances for success.

Brad’s Powerful Techniques To Overcome Fear Of Failure
– Here you will erase every ounce of negative belief that you will not
achieve greatness.

Develop The Power Of Self Love – Learn to love,
forgive, and accept yourself so that your confidence will be naturally
self developing.

Self Rejuvenation – View yourself in a new and
successful light with all your emotional baggage behind you once and for

The Failure Crutch System – Believe it or not, your
past failures can serve as catalysts for future success.

Shatter Your Limiting Beliefs – Perhaps the most
important step in achieving confidence is shattering your limiting

The Confidence Trifecta – Discover the confidence in
your mind, body, and spirit

Destroy Your Fear Of Change – If you’re not growing,
you’re dying and all growth involves change. These techniques will help
make change as comfortable as breathing 

Genuine Confidence Mastery – Here you will learn to
shape your confidence so that it radiates from your soul naturally.

Confidence Without Arrogance – Learn how to never
cross the invisible thin line between confidence and arrogance.

Self Appreciation – Realize that no one can be a
better you, than you.

While Listening to Steve G. Jones’ Unlimited Confidence Hypnosis

The Power Of Future Focus – Learn how to remove
labels you have been given in the past.

Confidence Rejuvenation – Re-create confidence from
within yourself.

How To Increase You Self Worth – Learn to give your
self-esteem a permanent boost.

PMA Mastery – Here you will learn everything you
need to achieve and master a positive mental attitude.

How To Attract A Positive Confident Energy Into Your Life
– All negative emotions are the result of the body’s energy being
disrupted. Here you will abolish that problem forever.

Universal Confidence – Learn how to exude confidence
in all aspects of life including dating, sales, and any other situation.

Confidence In Communication – Learn to be confident
when speaking to people under any circumstances or in any situation.

Discover Your Inner Voice – Once you become aware of
your talents and abilities, your confidence will naturally peak.

Natural Confidence Support Systems – Discover the
power and privilege of being assertive and self-assured.

Goal Centered Confidence – Here you will build the
confidence needed to attain any goal that you set your mind to.

Self Confidence Hypnosis – Use hypnosis to fuel your
confidence at any given time.

The Power Of Effective Communication – Here you will
become an amazing conversationalist which will ensure your confidence
when speaking to people.

As you can see, I made what may be one of the best decisions of my
life by being persistent in my efforts to get in touch with Brad because
the end result is something that neither of us could have accomplished
on our own.

And that’s what truly makes this Confidence Beyond Belief resource
different than anything else on the planet.

But Here’s What Really Separates This Incredible System
From Anything Else On The Planet

Before I go any further, realize this; a system is only as effective
as your ability to use it.

In others words, you can flood your mind with tons of knowledge, but
if you fail to engage your mind mentally so that you can apply it, it’s
basically useless.

Here is a perfect example. Have you ever purchased a book and were so
impressed with how informative it was, only to realize that all it
consisted of was information that you really couldn’t do anything with
except perhaps use it for substance in casual conversation?

The unfortunate reality is that many so called “life-changing”
resources are just that; mere references.

They only succeed in doing half the job which is educating and
enlightening you with information that you didn’t have before you
purchased the resource.

But many of them fail miserably in the application aspect. In other
words, they do not succeed in providing you with a system that you can
actually use to apply the information that you learn.

And I refused to let Confidence Beyond Belief fall in to that
category…which is why I decided to take things one step further.

After I spent months tracking down Brad Yates and getting him to
record an exclusive teleseminar, while at the same time spending hours a
day in the recording studio with my sound engineers perfecting the
hypnosis recording, I decided the best way to show you how to apply the
profound knowledge found in this system was to have both of us apply it
right in front of you.

And so I once again got Brad on the phone and asked him if he would
be comfortable performing an EFT Confidence Tapping session on me while
I performed a Hypnosis Confidence Induction on him.

That way, people could see exactly how the system works without any
kind of guess work involved.

I guess you could say this was the final stone that needed to be
turned for this system to really be effective in every capacity.

Here’s a snapshot of what you will walk away from on this super
informative call:

The Reality Of Success – Learn to believe that
success is possible.

Success Transformation – Take your successes in life
and apply it to greatness

Move Forward And Over Hurdles – Learn to let go of
mental barriers

Stress Freedom – Discover your identity and let go
of stress

The Power Of Abundance – Once you realize that an
abundant life is possible, it will become your reality.

Inner Self Confidence – Discover the source of
confidence from within you.

EFT Confidence Mastery – Learn the empowering
techniques of EFT (emotional freedom technique).

Goal Achievement Mastery – Learn to feel worthy of
meeting your goals and make them a reality.

Tap Your Way To Freedom – Discover the importance of
the tapping technique  and how it will change your life.

Shatter Your Self Doubt – Free yourself from
self-doubt once and for all.

EFT Mastery – Become inspired from Brad using EFT on

Discover Your Inner Self – Empower yourself to find
out who you really are so that your confidence will soar.

Confidence Through Hypnosis – Discover the power of
hypnosis and how it can help you become more confident

Implant Confidence Permanently – Learn to
subconsciously program confidence forever.

Confidence Through NLP – Use NLP to anchor
confidence permanently.

So let me ask you this, after seeing what you will discover and how
your life will be flooded with confidence, can you think of any reason
why you do not want to change your life today?

Can you think of any good reason why you would not want to instill
within yourself the confidence that you’ve always wanted?

Are you ready to face any situation and/or circumstance whether good
or bad with unshakable confidence?

I hope you answered yes because aside from creating the single most
effective resource for building confidence on the planet through the
power of hypnosis and EFT and pairing it with a fullproof system to
apply what you learn, Brad and I are going to make owning Confidence
Beyond Belief as affordable as humanly possible.

Anyone who knows Brad Yates knows that a live EFT teleseminar from
him could easily be sold for hundreds and still be considered a great
value as many others that he has done have proved it time and time

Now couple those 2 points with the fact that we are including a live
recording of Brad performing an EFT session on me and me performing a
hypnosis session on him (just to further insure your success) and what
you have is something so powerful and unique that could easily be sold
for hundreds and almost be considered an outright steal at that price.

Okay, now that you understand exactly how important confidence is and
how Confidence Beyond Belief will change your life, you have three

Ignore everything you have read and continue to live without
the confidence you need to make the decisions that will enrich your life
spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially (this is known as
passing up a great opportunity).

Take everything you have read at face value and tell yourself
that you will get back to it another time (this is known as

Act now and decide to take control of both your confidence
and your life by investing in something that will have a profound effect
on you forever (this is known as taking initiative).

Remember, there is zero risk involved because if for any reason you
are not happy with the results that I have promised in Confidence Beyond
Belief, Brad and I will buy it back from you.

Remember, your confidence will govern every decision and your
emotions will support your confidence, there is only one way to have
Confidence Beyond Belief.

Your purchase of the products
is governed by the terms and conditions contained in the End User
License Agreement (‘EULA’). Please read this

EULA carefully before completing your purchase. By completing
your purchase, you agree that you have read the EULA and agree to be
bound by its terms. If you do not agree to the terms of the EULA DO
NOT complete your purchase.

Your purchase of the products
is governed by the terms and conditions contained in the End User
License Agreement (‘EULA’). Please read this

EULA carefully before completing your purchase. By completing
your purchase, you agree that you have read the EULA and agree to be
bound by its terms. If you do not agree to the terms of the EULA DO
NOT complete your purchase.

To Your Success,

Dr. Steve G. Jones, M.Ed.

Enter your email below and Steve will share his tools and recommendations you can use to find true success…

We Don’t Abuse Or Share Your Information EVER!

If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests, Contact Us

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7848 W. Sahara Ave.
Las Vegas NV 89117
(Tel) (877) 944-9766
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Click here to get Confidence Beyond Belief :: Steve G. Jones :: Brad Yates at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Confidence Beyond Belief :: Steve G. Jones :: Brad Yates is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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